Exhibitions play a vital role in the financial growth of exhibitors. It elevates your business knowledge, connections and sales opportunities. Trade show representation plays an important part when it comes to visitors’ experiences. Visitors first interact with your staff and representatives in order to learn more about your offerings and these are your key assets. Your trade show booth display should have staff that is knowledgeable, friendly and engaging in order to attract buyers and visitors. Here are some key features that might be included in your staff training:
Assure product training
Staff training is as important as your trade show booth construction presentation. Exhibitors shall inform about their offerings to the staff and make sure that they are well-versed with product knowledge. In order to train the staff, you may provide them with product demonstrations, brochures and engaging points to break the ice with visitors. The training should enhance staff skills to that level that they could answer every query of visitors confidently.
Practice pitching techniques
You may ask your staff to practise their pitch and visitor engagement techniques. Before the trade show booth takes place, your staff should be ready with all pitching techniques and capable of answering all questions related to your products and solutions. It might be important that they sound confident, make eye-contact and create a friendly environment for your visitors.
Train on correct body language
Non-verbal communication or body language plays an inevitable role in the field of sales and representations. Your representatives are going to be the face of your brand to the visitors and it is crucial that they keep their posture straight, make eye-contact and avoid crossing their arms or giving a frowning face.
This training will also help your staff understand buyers’ body language in order to make visitors interested in your products. Good body language may also include greeting visitors and saying a nice goodbye even if the sales did not take place. It could be helpful if your staff could understand whether a buyer is interested in interaction or not.
The outfit should be professional
When your staff is well-groomed, professional and presentable, it increases the chances that visitors will drop in and have a glance at your products. The staff should wear company attire and avoid chewing gum and other edibles while talking to the visitors. They should completely focus on the potential buyers.
Distribute tasks
Your staff should know their roles and responsibilities during clients’ visits. It should be pre-planned that who would follow-up and who would entertain and engage new leads. This way you may neglect confusions and redialing same visitors multiple times. You may divide these roles according to the geographic placements, industries or designations.
Apart from the above-mentioned tips, you may also consider the below ones:
- Your staff might need to be prepared to deal with different types of visitors, which may include competitors, industry experts, media personnel and other major clients.
- They shall ask more open-ended questions in order to understand visitors’ needs and requirements.
- Train them on listening skills; it might be essential to listen in order to make sales and build partnerships.
- An exhibitor should hire enough staff so that some of them may get restroom and tea breaks and the exhibit runs smoothly.
It might be necessary to train your staff again and again as the custom exhibit design day goes by. Prepare your staff to keep an open-mind while learning and implement the feedback when they engage next visitor. One may remember to praise their staff as they are going to work for the exhibitor and would do best to turn a casual visit into a sales opportunity.
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